
Showing posts from March, 2020

Let peace be upon you

Live. Love. Read. Write. Dream. Think in between your juggling acts but not too deep (Remember: The idea, at least for the foreseeable future, is to not let the mind rust), for serious thinking may lead to depression. Count your blessings if you are living in this land of milk and honey in times like these. Times, they seem to be a'changin' for worse before they get better around the world, with the coronavirus disease outbreak (COVID-19) already spreading in most countries and leaving behind a trail of death and economic devastation in times of a deepening recession. Crucial junctures like this seek every ounce of your strength to remain optimistic about the future. So, the best idea is to switch to your inner energy saving mode by not thinking too long and hard, in anticipation of a future that may not be easy.   Just a few passing thoughts: How about going for some meditation between your juggling acts? How about offering namaste instead of opting for some Naren...

A day in the life of a commitment-phobe

Prelude: Don’t worry, near and dear ones. This backpacker, this amateur Yogi shall find a way out of the mess that he is in. And he will.  I am leaving this city at least temporarily because it reminds me of so many things.  I don’t clearly know where I am headed (I feel out of this world, but I am not drugged), but I am sure I will find my way, my destiny, my destination. One thing is clear, though: I am leaving this city at least temporarily because it reminds me of so many things. You see, loads of memories are not a good thing when you are in an unenviable situation.   On a pilgrimage?  Definitely not. It has been years since I lost faith in all things divine, so the quest for divinity is out of the question. I will require several knocks on my head, it appears, to restore my faith in divinity, as if this school of hard knocks were not enough.  About humanity, don’t ask me.  As I write from this Pandhero ( a spring of th...

Let them be

It’s not a watering hole in its true sense. ‘Watering hole’, yours truly is sure, is music to the ears for the party animals out there. You people may be wondering as to which new hip and happening ‘watering hole’ is yours truly talking 'bout?     Lemme clarify. Yours truly is talking about the watering hole for wild animals and not party animals.  This shallow pit is not the result of a geographic depression and animals of different species do not come here to quench their thirst, not even in the wildest of imaginations, nor does any life-and-death battle take place between the predator and the prey here.  Rather, it appears to be a hastily-built shallow pit meant to provide precious droplets of water to the monkeys. It's a case of too little too late arrangements for the inhabitants. Apparently, for the dominant inhabitants of these part-artificial-part-natural woods where the wild animals seem sober, perhaps in anticipation of human tend...