The loss of a story is a colossal loss
Friends are very much in the rat race and catching up with them has become next to impossible for Jack 2.0. Jack 2.0 has learnt over the years that beings called friends are far more dangerous than foes. They have jaws and claws and horns and hoofs all hidden, and you never know when they will attack you , fatally or otherwise . If you consider wild beasts more dangerous, chances are that you are yet to know what your friends are capable of, my friend. Anyway, if posts in several social media platforms are any indication, these people are busy summiting one peak of their professional careers after the other even as Jack 2.0 continues to recover from the debilitating effects of the coronavirus pandemic at an albeit tardy pace. These posts make it vividly clear that the self-styled creme a la creme are leading the most productive and fulfilling years of their lives. And when these guys are not going for the Sagarmathas of their profession...