
Showing posts from January, 2024

Switch to problem-solving mode

Switch to problem-solving mode Devendra Gautam Middle age is not the best time to start learning about modern things such as programming languages (python, JavaScript, Kotlin, Ruby, PHP etc), artificial intelligence, the internet of things and machine learning. In the relay race of life, it is perhaps time to at least think about passing on the baton to the next generation after completing your stretch.  But what if you have not arrived, as yet? What if you want to continue to mine your mind and see if you can solve some of the problems that are cakewalk for prodigies . You see, your mind is programmed to solve problems, whether it’s young or old. The idea is to keep your mind young and healthy because this thing with infinite potential does not rust as long as you keep using it.     So, you keep going, against all odds, mustering every ounce of your energy. As they say, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.   For those caught in a pass, Mart...