It was a particularly lean period in the life of yours truly. We are not at all interested about your salad days, the low and high points of your career, you guys might fume and dismiss this piece. Of course, it is your sovereign right to reject outright the mini-autobiography of a desk hand, who is no longer part of this thriving industry that never ceases to produce masterpiece after masterpiece after masterpiece and take English journalism from Nepal to dizzying heights, day in, day out. Without further delay, lemme clarify to one and all: This is not the auto-bio of an ever-struggling desk hand. There have been – and are still – very successful names, who can wax eloquent in fluent English and Nepali on how they changed the face of journalism. These golden pages are reserved for them. Now, back to the particularly lean period of his career. Yours truly had just quit a job, feeling that the deadline pressure of the odd-hour job was a bit too much (he was...