
Showing posts from January, 2020

घर कहाँ हो अंकल?

धेरै समयपछि फेरि कविताजस्तो लाग्ने केहि लेख्ने धृष्टता गरियो, सरस्वती माताको कृपाले । बाल-दार्शनिकलाई धन्यवाद । परेलीमा अल्झिरहेको निद्रा झार्दै उही दैनिक मुसे दौडमा सहभागी हुन हतारहतार गर्दै फेरि एकपटक घरबाट निस्कनै लाग्दा सानो थानेदारझैँ लाग्ने तिमीसति जम्काभेट हुन्छ बुट्टे झ्यालको पर्दा उघार्दै क्षितिजमा बालसूर्य उदाएझैँ उदाउँछौ जब तिमी तब म मेरो बाल्यकाल बिर्सन्छु आमाको सारीको फेर समात्दै गाउँबेसी हुँदै कालीकिनार पुग्छु जब तिमी अर्थात् बाल–दार्शनिक समय टक्क अडिएको बेला, मेरो अन्तरात्मा हल्लिने गरी सोध्छौः हजूरको घर कहाँ हो अंकल भनी मलाइ ज्ञान प्राप्त भइहाल्छ परदेशी हुँ, धेरै टाढा जानु पो छ त दिनभरि तिम्रो गंभीर प्रश्नले लखेटिरहन्छ निरूत्तर म भागिरहन्छु, भागिरहन्छु, भागिरहन्छु देवेन्द्र गौतम

Looking for a hero

Okay, the event’s a little old but still worth bringing up for its rich symbolism. By the time yours truly got into the jampacked stadium, the battle royale was already over, and the crowd was going euphoric with Nepal clinching a victory against an up-and-coming footballing nation in the neighbourhood. You see, there come in the not-so-eventful life of yours truly some important engagements that coincide with other equally important events. The fiddler high above had perhaps set the date of the battle royale with this important event to make an otherwise mundane life a little bit more interesting. The fiddler high above had perhaps set the date of the battle royale with this important event to make an otherwise mundane life a little bit more interesting Looking back, getting a ticket to the football finale was akin to winning a Mahabharata of sorts. It meant having faith in the online ticketing system that was down most of the time and trying desperately with fellow footba...