
Showing posts from March, 2021

Citizen journalists should keep standing for Dipak Jaisis of this world

Did you watch Durga Prasad Timsina aka Dipak Jaisi returning home with his kin after his 40-year imprisonment in India on what, most probably, is a fabricated murder charge? Did you see Dipak reuniting with his ancient-looking, grief-stricken-yet-trying-to-be-happy mother. Did you see her grinning? Were you not moved to tears on watching a relatively happy part of Dipak’s life? Or you do not know that Durga aka Dipak Jaisi even exists? Alright. You have the liberty to forget him, to not know that Dipak Jaisi exists. After all, journeys/ordeals of lesser mortals like Dipak Jaisi are meant to be forgotten, no? Otherwise, the annals of history will get heavier and heavier with long stories of suffering in silence and denial of justice. If the so-called beacon of democracy, the Indian state, can forget the alien called Dipak Jaisi for 40 long years after condemning him to prison, why can’t you? If the so-called beacon of democracy, the Indian state, the Indian judiciary can forget the alie...

Quest for justice: 40 years and counting

  How does it feel to be behind bars for 40 long years, that too on an unsubstantiated/unproven charge? How does it feel to languish in inhuman conditions, away from family and friends, without even the faintest of hope for legal recourse? How does it feel to be from one inhuman cell to the other, to be with one set of notorious criminals after the other? How hard is it to adjust in such a world? How does it feel to be behind bars for 40 long years, that too on an unsubstantiated/unproven charge? And how can one remain sane after spending so many years in such an environment? How does it feel to be treated as guilty without proof? Durga Prasad Timsina of Lumbak, Mai municipality-10, Ilam district, knows better. Or does he?   How does it feel to be treated as guilty without proof? Durga Prasad Timsina of Lumbak, Ilam, knows better. Or does he?   Before proceeding any further, let me dwell a bit into the man and the charge against him. For this, let ...

हिमाल चिन्तन

राजनीतिका नाममा यस देशमा मंचन भइरहेको अन्तहीन जस्तै लाग्ने कलाविहीन नाटक कति मात्रै हेर्नु ? सत्ता स्वार्थमा लिप्त भएर यस सुन्दर देशलाई रणभूमि बनाउनका लागि चिरकालसम्म नियन्त्रित अस्थिरता सिर्जना गर्ने देशविरोधी योजना फत्ते गर्न लागिपरेका जननिर्वाचित युद्ध सरदारहरूका अवांछित क्रियाकलापहरू हेरिरहने हो भने अनि संभावित त्रासदीबारे सोचिरहने हो भने मानसिक सन्तुलन नै गुमाउन पनि के बेर ? अनि जुन भ्रष्टतम शासन प्रणाली अन्तर्गत शासित हुने सौभाग्य हामीले पाएका छौँ, त्यस अन्तर्गत बडेबडे नेता, नोकरशाह, नवधनाढ्य, सत्ता र शक्तिका दलालहरू आदिका लागि त देशभित्रै वा विदेशका सुविधासम्पन्न अस्पतालहरूमा हरेक रोग वा स्वास्थ्य समस्याको लागि अत्याधुनिक उपचार उपलब्ध छ । तर सिद्धान्ततः सार्वभौम नागरिक, व्यवहारमा भने रैतीभन्दा माथि उठन नसकेका हामी अर्थात् बराबिचरा, असंगठित करदाताहरू त सरकारी, गैरसरकारी वा निजी स्वास्थ्य संस्थाहरूको चर्को शुल्क सुन्नेबित्तिकै ठाउँका ठाउँ ठहरै हुने सम्मको डरलाग्दो स्थिति छ । यस्तो अवस्थामा व्यक्तिगत स्वास्थ्यको ख्याल त राख्नैप¥यो नि, होइन ? अनि मानसिक स्वास्थ्यका लागि कला, संगीत,...