
Showing posts from November, 2023

A journey to remember

  Early morning, November 9 . A metalled road passes through a sleepy neighbourhood in Nagarjun municipality.  A couple of feet move up the slopes albeit sluggishly while a few go down, huffing and puffing, running a sweat.   Is the road a lifeline that brings modernity or kills organicity flourishing in local communities for centuries? Is it an invention that brings hearts closer or drives us further and further apart, from our traditional ways of life steeped in nature, pushing us toward climate catastrophes — and extinction?  Is it something that turns the homo sapiens made of Panchatatwas   —   the five elements that are the earth, fire, water, wind and the ether   —   into beings made of iron and concrete?  Why do we need these roads and a myriad other infrastructure that stand shakily on the lap of a disaster-prone and fragile Mother Nature, whereas all other beings on the blue planet can do without them? Is the road to modernity a one-...

A memorable journey

  A metalled road passes through a sleepy neighbourhood within Nagarjun municipality. Is it a lifeline that brings modernity to our lives or kills our organicity? Is it an invention that brings hearts closer or drives us further and further apart, from our traditional ways of life steeped in nature? Why do we need these roads and a myriad other modern infrastructure that stands quite fragile on the lap of Mother Nature, whereas all other beings on the blue planet can do without them? Is the road to modernity a one-way road? Is the return to nature virtually impossible for humanity? If yes, is the extinction of humanity inevitably unavoidable?     Questions like these have become more relevant than ever before because the year 2023 is going to be the hottest year in 125,000 years. We don't know how many animal and plant species the Earth will lose.  Once in a while, yours truly wanders around the wending road to shake off sleep, early in the morning. On either si...

जाजरकोट भूकम्प, हजुरआमाका सिलोक र राउन्नेको पाप

जाजरकोट भूकम्प, हजुरआमाका सिलोक र राउन्नेको पाप देवेन्द्र गौतम हजुरआमालाई भानुभक्तको रामायण मुखाखर थियो। सखारै उठेर नुहाइधुवाइ गर्दा उहाँ रामायणका सिलोकहरू (पश्चिम नेपालको भाषामा, संस्कृत 'श्लोक' को अपभ्रंश) पनि वाचन गर्नुहुन्थ्यो । उहाँलाई सुन्दासुन्दा मलाइ पनि केहि सिलोक कण्ठ भए। जाजरकोट भूकम्प र त्यसपछि विकसित वैश्विक परिस्थितिका बिच बाल्यकालमा उहाँबाट सुनेको यो सिलोक सान्दर्भिक नै होला: भार भयो पृथ्वीलाई राउन्ने (रावण) का पापले। विष्णुसँग रून गइन् दुखीका स्वभावले।। रामको भेष धरेका रावणहरू यत्रतत्र छन्, दक्षिण एशियामा मात्र होइन विश्वभर नै तपाइँ रावणहरूका पदचिन्हहरू देख्न सक्नुहुन्छ, तिनले खण्डहर पारेका भूतपूर्व सार्वभौम राष्ट्रहरू देख्न सक्नुहुन्छ। रूस-युक्रेन युद्धमा, इजरायल-प्यालेष्टाइन युद्धमा, अफगानिस्तानमा, सिरियामा, इराकमा, लिबियामा आधुनिक रावणकै पदचिन्हहरू त छन्, नेपाल त भैगयो। राक्षसहरूमा ब्रह्मराक्षस सबैभन्दा खतरनाक हुन्छ शायद, रावण पनि ब्रह्मराक्षस हो। ऊ विद्वान हो, रावणसंहिताजस्तो ज्योतिषशास्त्र उत्कृष्ट ग्रन्थको लेखक हो। तर उसले बाटो बिरायो। सिताको ...