Kathmandu blooms: In pictures
Nature is beautiful and flowers are one of its most beautiful creations.
They are one of the things that make our lives a little less unbearable and a lot more beautiful. And they are an indispensable part of our lives, regardless of our faith or lack of it.
Birth, marriage, child bearing and death are some of the most important events in every individual's life. In all these events, flowers play an important part. We cannot even imagine our life without this beautiful gift from Nature.
Environmental pollution is taking a toll on these flowers.
Yours truly feels flowers too should have the right to life. Like all of us, they have the right to bloom, wilt and fall. But we routinely ignore their right, snap them to use them as we like.
At this space, yours truly will post random shots of different flowers found around Kathmandu and beyond. For now, he leaves it upon readers to find common names, botanical names of these magnificent things without which not only our life but the entire universe is so incomplete.
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