
Showing posts from September, 2019

The true worth of a picture

Devendra Gautam In this piece, yours truly will not be analysing big data to show how the economic slowdown gripping the dear neighbour aka the migration superpower will affect us with lakhs and lakhs of jobless people right across the open border, why it is an indication of the recession of global proportions and how it may affect the Nepali economy in multiple ways like remittance inflow, escalation in international market prices, so on and so forth. Yours truly leaves it to the analysts (of which there's no dearth in Nepal) to divine upon the larger meaning of the recession. This time, yours truly will just read into some random pictures that he took/scenes that he came across and what they probably mean for a 'new Nepal'. Before that, let yours truly dare to start with a few quotes about pictures.        A picture speaks a thousand words Just a paltry thousand words? A classic case of lack of imagination, isn't it?  A picture is worth a...

के गरी खाअैाला तिमीहरूले ?

b]j]Gb| uf}td -p cyf{t\ gfd " b n]vssf lstfax¿sf] laqmL k|j4{g ug{ k|sfzsn] v6fPsf] JolQm . tna lglZrt 5}g, b'v}b'v 5 t/ sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf y/Ly/Lsf dflg; e]6\g kfOG5, hflu/sf] cfsif{0f eg]s} oxL xf] .   . cf]xf] d eGbf klg b'vL dflg;x¿ /x]5g\ eGg] nfU5, Tolta]nf hLjgsf] 7f8f] psfnf] klg t];f]{t];f]{ xf] ls h:tf] nfU5 p;nfO{ . slxn]sflxF p;nfO{ nfU5 yf]/} dfq} n]Vg] l;k ePsf] eP klg p cfkm"n] e]6]sf dflg;x¿sf hLjgsyf ptf/]/} gfdLlu/fdL w]/} n]vsx¿eGbf wgL eO;Sg] lyof] ._ a8f] b'Mvsf ;fy eGg'k5{ To:tf] eOlbPg, x'g kfPg . Eff] eOuof] . ca cfˆg} d'6'df efnf /f]k]/ l5ofl5of lsg kf¿F, p o:t} ;f]R5, rx/fO/x]sf] 3fpdf dnxd nufPh:tf] u5{ clg cfkm"lt/} cfO/x]sf] Psbd} ckl/lrt JolQmcl3 dL7f] d':sfgsf ;fy k|:t't x'G5 . p -lrg]em}F u/L_M PS:fSo'h dL . tkfOF;Fu s]xL s'/f ug'{lyof] . kfq !M s] s'/f < pM tkfOF cr]n s] ub}{ x'g'x'G5 < kfq !M vf;} s]xL ub}{ 5}g, vfln ;8s gflk/x]sf] 5...

Crises right across the border: A matter of serious concern for Nepal

Today, I am going to talk about happenings in the immediate neighbourhood and the world, and what they mean for Nepal.  Recent developments in our immediate neighbourhood should be a matter of serious concern for us, given our complicated relations with it. One can of course claim that these developments are internal to a country. Of course they are internal if they affect the country concerned only. If these developments have the potential to affect other countries too, then they cease to be internal.  Having said this, there's hardly any development that's purely internal in this interconnected world.     Two disturbing developments just across our open border are likely to seriously affect our fragile country already reeling under multiple crises fuelled primarily by prolonged political instability.  Economic crisis Let yours truly start with an emerging economic crisis in India that has already dealt a huge blow to foreign inve...

Updated: In times of deepening crises, mere waiting and watching won't be enough

Multiple crises have started gripping the world's largest democracy in recent days. There are tell-tale signs of a serious economic crisis unfolding with demand for goods and services declining, Gross Domestic Product plummeting to a six-year low at 5 per cent from 5.8 per cent, manufacturing witnessing a free-fall to 0.6 per cent from 12.6 per cent, finance, real estate down to 5.9 per cent from 6.5, construction slowed down to 5.7 per cent, farm sector growth subdued to a mere 2 per cent. Lakhs in the emerging economy of a 1.5-billion population are losing jobs amid a deep crisis that is unlikely to fizzle out soon with the main opposition Indian National Congress blaming the Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party government for committing what it called a 'cold murder' (cold-blooded murder) of the economy. In an unprecedented move, the Modi government is withdrawing from the Reserve Bank of India a whopping 1.76 lakh crore rupees, a move many see as violation...