Early morning pictures from Nagarjun

No, yours truly doesn't want to embark on morning walk daily with some sort of missionary zeal. 

Rather, he would do all that walking in his dream to spare himself the trouble. 

But some mornings he really finds himself worried about his health.  

It was just one of those one-off mornings that gave him the realisation that his body not in the best of shape, that he should do something on the personal health front. It was one of those rare moments when yours truly thought he had had enough of screen time. 
Joining the gym and sweating it out was out of the question for a lazybones like yours truly. 
So, what option was left save walking with the countryside beckoning as ever?    
Not all health experts, I suppose, agree that morning walk is good for health in the bowl-shaped valley (which valley is not bowl-shaped? you may wonder) where fine particulate matters remain trapped in the atmosphere. 

You think yours truly went too far about a matter despite lack of in-depth knowledge about the same? Who knows? One of these days, he may write a bit about this topic in these pages about the matter after conducting some study. Till that time, bear  with me and enjoy these pictures taken at the countryside of Nagarjun that's urbanising quite rapidly. 

And do take good care of your health.

Text and pictures: Devendra Gautam: Friend, philosopher and guide

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