Praise be to Bahadur Shah

Praise be to Bahadur Shah
Devendra Gautam

Before writing comes the inertia. Why write at all? Write for whom? For a people awaiting the next flight to leave this country, forever if possible, in their eternal quest for the proverbial land? 

Come on, who has the time and the energies for your ramblings? Who will read your pieces and think about them in a decadent society where ill-gotten wealth amassed through high treason and other unethical means gives you instant glory, where words do not count, where qualities like honesty, integrity and intellect find place in tributes only? 

The forces you regularly target through your writings are super-powerful, unlike lesser mortals that constitute a majority in this country, so beware, beware of the blood-soaked pages of this country, for your own good, will you? 

In an Afghanistan-like setting, these forces are way more powerful than the Loya Jirga, in a Colombia-like environment, they are more powerful than the cartels, in an ever-quaking country located not-so-uncomfortably between the two ever-colliding tectonic plates in South-Central Asia, they are more powerful than the Lion Palaces of the Centre, provinces and local levels (combined). In fact, they are the Deep State in a state in a shambles. They are the ones calling all the shots in the Great Himalayan Game. 

Remember the Grand Design that a former prime minister used to talk about, ignoring the fact that he himself was, in all likelihood, an inalienable part of that design? 

Remember, most of the powerful creatures that we choose as the makers of our destiny are Janus-faced, they are the wolves in sheep’s clothing, they are the Trojan Horses with foreign agents of destruction hidden deep inside their cavernous bellies. Rest assured, there will come a time when they will show their true avatar if you do not already know who they truly are, once and for all. Alas, it will be too late for us by then. 

Beware, you are playing with the fire, the same fire that’s been ravaging this country since the 1814-16 war with the Brits, the same unjust and atrocious war that trampled on ideals like human rights and national sovereignty, dismembering this country by forcing it to cede swathes of her territories. The Tishta and other rivers are still blood-red, don’t you see? 

What good will your writings do? Earn you a few more enemies and anger both the government and the opposition parties, that’s what they will do. Out of the ink you spill in a bid to make a people pretending to be asleep aware of the impending danger will emerge an army of Raktabeej 2.0. Well and good, if that’s what you want. 

Come on, do not confuse your hands with the powerful, weapons-equipped hands of Goddess Durga and her troops that ultimately finished off Mahishasur and other demons, including Raktabeej, a demon that is said to clone into hundreds with each slaying at the hands of Durga. 

Come on, a freelancer is not even a lance corporal in this great battlefield. Leave it all, sing paeans to the ruling elite, get a plum job and get a life. 

You see readers, this is part of what yours truly’s mind was whispering to him all along. Beware, your own mind can conspire against you! 

It took yours truly quite a bit of effort to ward off such thoughts and pen this piece, sometime after the birthday (Asar 6, June 20 this year) of the true patriot and the great regent Bahadur Shah, the son of King Prithvi Narayan Shah, the reunifier of modern Nepal, who played a very important in the reunification campaign. 

Praise be to Bahadur Shah. Let the great regent inspire us all. Let all traitors perish in eternal hell.

Published in People's Review:


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